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Estaciones de Apoyo 2024

AID Stations 160 KM

The Aid Stations will have water and other beverages for the runners.


In the main stations (Tres Hermanas and El Valle de Antón), they will have an ambulance, electrolytes, soft drinks, fruits, solid food, gels and salt tablets. At night we will have broths and noodles too.


Preferably each runner should bring their own cup or collapsible glass but we will have biodegradable disposable cups.

Aid Stations CHALLENGE 2023-02.png
Aid Stations CHALLENGE 2023-03.png

AID Stations 160 KM

Everything mentioned above also applies the same for the 105 kilometer stations (since they pass through the same stations).

AID Stations 160 KM

Everything mentioned above also applies the same for the 55 kilometer stations (since they pass through the same stations).

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